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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Money Trading-Technical Indicators by Alan Lim

Forex money trading is hugely popular among small investors as well. However, in order to be a successful trader, they need to learn about technical indicators.
Forex money trading has recently seen thousands of traders taking a lot of interest in the money trading market. This is because the trading market has proven to be an excellent investment opportunity. However, as a novice, you would have seldom come across the term margin trading. What is margin trading?
Margin trading in forex trading lets you trade even if you don't have the funds. You can use borrowed funds to trade with, however, the only drawback to margin trading is that the interests are a bit too steep.
Trading in forex has gained immense popularity among small investors as well. It wasn't long ago that only huge banks and hedge fund companies invested in huge amounts in the forex market. Things however seemed to have changed and for the better. Individual investors now either trade online on their own or through brokers and banks, whatever they feel comfortable in. This is a market that is making money as huge as 3 trillion dollars annually and it's only fair that everyone finds their share in it.
Although trading in the money market is growing at an astounding rate, not many traders earn profits over their investments consistently. Studies show that only 5% of the traders actually benefit from the market. This is because most investors or traders do not look at the price behavior which is the most important factor when trading in forex. The mistake that most traders commit is that they rely on incorrect or irrelevant information.
Forex money trading systems are hugely dependent on crossovers, oscillators and moving averages, these are collectively known as technical indicators of the market trends. Technical indicators are nothing but information depicted on charts, data points are plotted on charts, and algorithms are used to calculate the value of a currency. This is what most traders read in order to be successful.

Buy Forex Online System Trading And Earn Maximum Profits by Alan Lim

Before you choose a forex online system trading software, make sure that the company you are buying it from is legitimate.
A trader's success usually depends on how efficient his forex online system trading is. If the software does not meet the trader's requirements, his chances of encountering failures in his trade are quite high. Traders therefore have to choose the right software that they are comfortable working with.
Before you go ahead and choose the software, make sure that you are dealing with a company that is legitimate. You don't want to loose or spend your money for nothing on a company who will not give you the best or whom you will never hear from again once you've made the payment. Make sure that you maintain a systematic record of where you are putting your money, your losses as well as your profits. This is an excellent practice if you are looking at being a long time successful trader.
Make sure that before you start working with your software, you customize it according to your requirements; i.e. input your standards so that it works according to your requirements.
This will ensure that your software works according to your standards although it will function independently without you having to check on it regularly. Since the software gives you real time figures, you will get to know of any kind of changes in the value or price of currency. This will help you make a decision especially if you want to buy or sell currencies to your own benefits.
With online trading, you do not have to rely on any other trading methods. Neither do you have to be present physically in any place to trade. With forex online system trading, you can collect your profits on a real time basis from the company itself. You will also know about trade statics and how to read technical indications as well as graphs and charts.

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

An in Depth Review of Forex Cyclone by john wiren

Are you Eager to make lots of money and consistent profit from the forex market? Forex Cyclone is the newest automated forex trading robot that can give you an autopilot income. This is the easiest way to make huge income without having to know any knowledge about stocks, trends, mutual funds. You don't have to be a mathematician to earn a healthy 2nd income from forex using this forex robot. If you are looking for a complete forex cyclone review, then you came to the right place!
What is Forex Cyclone?
This is a revolutionary forex trading robot that has been considered as the next generation robot. It has been tested and proven to work and will give you the highest percentage of winning trades. This is the only automated forex trading robot that consistently generates winning trades for you. It has the ability to pick the best trade to make for the most profits giving you a sure way to gain financial stability.
What is the difference of Forex Cyclone Robot to the many automated trading systems out there
* Forex Cyclone is proven to make $107,223 profit in less than 2 weeks. * It eliminate the risk of losing your investment. * It can make money on autopilot 24 hours a day. * It can help you trade like a pro without even doing any hard work.
Out of all the forex trading systems on the marketplace, I bet you don't know which one to choose. I can tell you that Forex Cyclone is one of a kind. This trading system can give you a proven, tested and guaranteed way to make money from the largest market in the world. Unlike anything ever built, this robot is the best when it comes to picking the most highly profitable trades for you.
Conclusion: Forex Cyclone is for sure not a scam! It is proven to generate $107,223 in just 2 weeks alone. If you really want to succeed in forex trading then you should follow the footstep of someone else who has been successful at it. I recommend this trading robot to all who wants to gain financial freedom. This is absolutely a revolutionary forex trading robot. You'll not only make right trades but will also know when to get in and when to get out before the market changes. In conclusion I recommend you try Forex Cyclone if you already haven't.
To get your copy of Forex Cyclone click here----> http://forex-cyclone.com

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Trading Basics by Sam Sander

Mankind has been trading in some form for its entire existence. Trading began as bartering, where a basket full of berries would be traded for a couple of goats, and slowly grew into a cash based trading process that we're all familiar with, where we now trade our products or services for cash and use the cash to trade for, or purchase, the goods and services we need.
And with the creation of the internet, trading has gone online in a seemingly cashless world of PayPal, credit and online trading, where you can trade almost anything including forex.
Forex stands for foreign exchange, and is essentially the trade of different currencies of money. It's similar to when you travel overseas. You buy some money in the currency of the country you're travelling to, and when you return home you use any remaining money in this currency to buy your home currency again.
If you've ever done this, you'll realize that there is an exchange rate, such as $1 in US currency equals $0.80 in Australian currency, and that this exchange rate varies from day to day. Depending on what the exchange rate is doing when you travel, you can either make or lose a little money in this process. You'll also realize that the place where you exchange your currencies, called a broker, will take a small cut of the transaction as payment.
Now all Forex trading does is buy and sell different international currencies for the purpose of making money, instead of travel. It's a simple concept, but actually quite a complex activity as you need to be able to buy currencies and then sell them for a profit to make forex trading work for you.
If you want to give forex trading a go, then understanding the foreign exchange basics is one of the most important things you need to do. First of all, it is important to get into forex trading with the right attitude and training. So to help you get some of these skills in currency trading, here are some of the most important things you need to know:
1. Learn to maximize your profits - Don't be too comfortable with just one trading technique. It's best to try a few different forex trading methods to find out how they all work, which ones work in different market conditions and which ones don't work for you. Understand how to boost your returns by being well informed in market trends and movements. Scan the market for possible trades. Focus not just on individual currencies but try to get a wider market share of different currencies.
2. Become a smart trader - You should be able to understand} when it is acceptable to take a risk and when it's best to pass. Values and rates in the forex trade are always changing and in a matter of minutes prices may fluctuate so you need to keep your instincts alert.
3. Instill discipline in trading - You must have a system which you follow for the duration of your trading. You need a system that allows you to work out your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to trading so you will be able to work with them accordingly. You also need to allocate time for trading and data analysis. Make sure when you are trading, that you are focused on the market and don't get distracted.
4. Keep learning - You will learn more and more from every trade you do, and the lessons made from losing money are just as valuable, if not more, than the lessons you learn from wins. Have an open mind and realize that you will need to constantly educate yourself regarding the market and trading methods. Make time to research about forex trading and read up on related news on this industry. There are lots of free learning materials that you can get online.

3 Tips For Forex Trading by Antony Babington

Are you getting tired of seeing your income remain static, never gaining the interest or returns that it should be? With so many investment choices falling down and out, the stock market seeing bizarre movements and such volatility in other markets, picking an investment for today is even more difficult than controlling it. It's the year of uncertainty, and with so many companies falling and supposedly secure assets being thrown on their heads, the name of the game is playing that volatility to create massive returns. The best place to do this is the forex markets, and the best way to do it is by using highly specialized tools and very simple principles and strategies to create a market asset that's worth its weight in gold. These three tips will help you make the most of the current uncertainty, and turn your meager savings into a solid investment asset.
#1 - Study the market before you enter. Have you ever tried to master a sporting discipline that you're unfamiliar with? Without the perspective that comes from being a viewer and passive participant, it's difficult to gauge the level of effort and investment required. Entering the forex markets is just like entering a new sport or any other discipline. Without practice, you're not going to make it as far as you'd like, and the speed of your advancements will be just a fraction of what it could be. Spend some time studying the markets before you enter, and create a highly valuable and foolproof strategy before you put your money on the line.
#2 - Use automation and calculation to your advantage. With every market, the ups and downs are equal parts pure luck and chance and mathematical reasoning. With so many events pushing the forex markets up and down, and changing the value of currencies dramatically in a day, you need to make sure that your strategy is in tune with both the organic changes in forex and the outliers caused by human changes. Don't put all of your faith in automation and calculation, but use them selectively and sparingly to make sure that your strategic decisions are in tune with the long-term trends and changes that are playing out in front of us.
#3 - Give yourself a loss buffer. You're not going to make any money on forex without losing a little too. Whether it's a bad investment, a week that yields low returns or a total change in the markets, there are going to be times when your investments don't go according to plan. Don't lose faith if it happens to you -- use the change in your investment returns as an opportunity to adapt your strategy and prevent the possibility from happening again. A good way to make sure that these losses don't wipe you out is to build a 'loss buffer' -- a reserve of cash that will help you weather the bad months and keep you sensible and conservative in the best months. The smartest traders allow for the possibility of losses, and use them to make their investment strategies the best that they can be.
To learn more about forex trading, check out the free Forex 101 report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Currency Pairs: The Base And Cross Currency by Ricky Weber

One of the main aspects of foreign exchange trading that makes it different from other stock and commodity markets is that all currencies are traded in pairs. The Euro and the United States dollar are the two most highly traded currencies in the world, and this currency pair is always quoted as "EUR/USD" with the euro quoted first. In this currency pair the euro is called the "base currency" and the dollar is called the "cross currency."
Some of the other most popular currencies are the Japanese Yen and the British Pound, and these currency pairs are always quoted as "USD/JPY" and "GBP/USD." These are not random pairings, but rather it has traditionally been for the ease of calculation that the stronger currency is the base currency and the weaker currency is the cross currency. The base currency always has a value of one, so when you see a price quote for the currency pair or you look at a price chart the value shown is how many units of the cross currency it takes to equal one unit of the base currency.
When we see a currency pair such as USD/JPY with a value of 115.00, this is saying that one dollar equals 115 yen. Understanding the relationship between the base currency and the cross currency and learning to read currency pair price quotes in this way is essential when you want to make money in the forex market. A good exercise that can help you to better understand this relationship with currency pairs is to pick up your daily newspaper and turn to the financial section, where there will likely be a daily updated currency table.
The currency table that is published in most major newspapers will list all of the major world currencies vertically and horizontally, with a diagonal line of blank spots where each currency lines up with itself. When you look at this table you will find the exchange rate for the dollar in terms of the euro, but this will literally be quoted as USD/EUR instead of the traditional pairing used on nearly all forex trading platforms of EUR/USD. If you had an open trade on this currency pair and wanted to look at the newspaper to see if your position gained or lost value, seeing the exchange rate reversed might be very confusing to you.
So if you have a price quote of "0.7407″ for the USD/EUR, what you will want to do is take 1 divided by 0.7407 so that you can reverse the currency pair and get the normal EUR/USD price quote which would be 1.3500. What this example tells you is that this exchange rate value can be read as "one euro equals $1.35″ or "one dollar equals 0.74 euros." From this example it is easy to understand why the currency that historically has a higher value is always quoted as the base currency, because it makes the calculations much simpler.
If this type of calculation seems complicated to you, you can simply remember that if you put the number 1 in the numerator place (top) and the exchange rate in the denominator place (bottom), it will reverse the currency pair. It is very important for a forex trader to understand these basic relationships with currencies and exchange rates, and once you get some practice and experience (even if it is only trading a demo account) it will become second nature to perform the simple calculations that affect your trading.

Forex Trading - Tips to Improve Your Consistency and Profit by Annabel Meade

Do you find with Forex trading that you win some trades only to find a few losing ones follow?
This is one of the main areas to plague many Forex traders. There are some main points to be raised which will make your Forex trading consistently more successful.
For you to make consistent gains it is recommended that your Forex trading strategy is kept as simple as you can make it. You have heard of the KISS strategy right? Keep It Simple and Straight-forward, well this definitely applies to trading Forex.
Forex trading requires good, fast decision making by acting upon your trading strategy. This is so much harder to do if you have many indicators, Moving Averages, oscillators etc to check.
To make fast decisions you need to have a clear head to think and limiting the amount of information you have to process before placing a trade will make this a whole lot easier!
Are you keeping a note book or journal of all your trades? If you write everything down, you will be able to analysis your Forex trading plan. Sometimes you will need to go back to the note book and fine tune your strategy to weed out the indicators, Moving Average settings which may not be working for you.
Another great tip to be consistent is to trade in the same way, at the same time of day over a period of time. Make sure you find out when to expect the results of Fundamental and economic announcements. This will mean you do not get whipsawed out of the market and your trades lost due to bad timing.
Great! So we have a good Forex trading strategy with minimal techniques to help identify the trade, now what?
Well, another point about Forex trading consistency is keeping your emotions in check. If you trade differently every time you open a position then you will be inconsistent with your winning trades. Decide your strategy and then trade it. Plan your trade and then trade your plan!
The best way to do this is over time through paper trading first, followed by using a demo account from a reputable Forex broker like the one mentioned below. Once you have your strategy nailed down, this will give you the confidence to trade with a minimum lot size while you gain experience with the risk factor of trading a live account.
Something which works for me is to think of each trade in pip or point value. So, instead of thinking of how much money you will gain or lose, look at it in a different way. How many pips will you gain or risk with your stop loss. Consequently, money is taken out of the equation together with the associated emotions.
So, in order to trade the Forex with consistency you need to have a simple yet effective strategy with every trade recorded in your Forex trading note book. Make sure you know when to look out for economic and fundamental results which may move the market in an unexpected way.
You have done a great job to get this far!
Have confidence in your strategy. If you are trading a live account, then you would have come a long way in developing your Forex trading strategy and you will be able to benefit from your hard work. Keeping your emotions in check will allow you a clear mind to take those trades and make your profit.
To you success and happy trading.