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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Your Forex Inner Game: Are you to stupid too make money with Forex? by Serge Taylor

For many people Forex is like a big diamond encrusted carrot that hold the promise of big money and the lifestyle to go with it. Unfortunately it is that very thinking that is attracting people to forex that do not have the right temperement to survive much less succeed at forex trading.
If your new to the forex trading game you might want to take a good hard look at yourself lest you be doomed to potential financial ruin.
If you are inclined to be reckless you will need to sort that out before you jump in the forex money pool. A disciplined, methodical mindset is much more appropriate and necessary to succeed. You need to pay your dues. Making haste slowly is a good option as you take the time to develop some skills, and do thorough research before you leap.
And while your learning the forex ropes and developing some trading skills why not also develop some trust in yourself. While following the pack is useful in the initial stages of your forex career at some point you need to begin to develop your own trading style based on your goals, talents and temperament. It's good to listen to advice from experts but if you want to become an expe4rt yourself you will need to get used to backing yourself with your trades.
Looking for cheap trading thrills? Then you better start looking for a second job because you will lose big time with a dare devil mindset. Making money is a serious business to those who actually make money. Those who approach forex trading with a loose attitude and treat it like a game always end up paying a big price to play. If your not prepared to trade fun for dollars stay out of this game.
You also have to be patient. Decisions do need to be made and sometimes swiftly but for the most part your forex success will be in large part determined by your ability to sit back and wait for the right time to respond. Jumping the gun is a sure way to shoot yourself in the foot in this game. As your experience grows your ability to find the sweet spot where the timing is just right to make a decent profit increases. Until then remember slow and steady wins the race. Eventually
And whatever you do remember not to make a relatively simple thing complicated. Some people are so anal about the details and creating the most complex trading formulas that they are dooming themselves to failure. The KISS principle works well here. Keep it simple, stupid. Evaluate what's actually making you money and do more of it and do less of what's costing you money. Easy.
The worst thing you can do is to get too emotionally involved in your trades. Of course we all want success and are very happy when we get it. And maybe we are a little less than happy when things don't go according to plan. But for goodness sake keep your heart out of it and let your mind make the decisions. Remember decisions made when your feeling bad are usually bad decisions. Don't let fear or worry or sadness drive your decision making process. There is risk involved. You will lose from time to time. Just remember you will lose more if you let it get to you. If this sounds like you, then get a grip quick before you lose it all.
Trading forex successfully requires a steely mindset that is in control and has a resiliency to take the knocks and bounce back. Ultimately your trading success will be as much about what you know about yourself in addition to what you know about forex.

