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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Your Forex Trading Mentor Will Get You Through the Rough Patches by Barney Iott

A lot of us would like to learn to trade on the stock market. Maybe just here and there, or so that we aren't dependent upon what our broker, neighbor, or mechanic thinks are good stocks to try and build a retirement fund. Do you want to try to figure out the market alone, or would you rather have a Forex trading mentor?
What is a Forex trading mentor? S/he's someone who knows the program and will give you one-on-one coaching and support to help you master it for yourself. This is one of the things separating this program from others.
Maybe you want to do trade full time. Either way, there's nothing wrong with wanting a little more security or a little more adventure, or both. Maybe you know how lonely your pets get when you work 80-hour weeks and would like to do something about that. Whatever the reason, many of us would like to know how to trade successfully.
The problem is that many plans are too complicated to figure out. Even if you only want to trade part-time, you wind up working at least full time to figure out what you're doing. Or to figure out the "system" doesn't actually work.
This program gives you live training in real time in the market, which is more helpful than you can know until you've tried it. Adding a mentor to real-time experience doubles what you learn.
First, you get to see how the techniques actually work, then you get to apply them yourself, and finally you have someone with training and experience to help you figure out what you did wrong.
A Forex trading mentor can also provide another valuable service. How often have you done something right, but not known exactly what it was or worse, how to do it again? Because you aren't alone in this, you'll have someone to help you repeat your successes, while avoiding your mistakes.

